
State of Union, Clinton Scandal

Having missed the president’s State of the Union address, as well as the Republican response, I looked forward to reading the transcripts in your Wednesday paper. But all I found were a few excerpts and some news analysis. Instead, I found numerous lurid articles about Monicagate, indicating just one thing: Although it hasn’t been conclusively proved that Bill Clinton’s priorities are screwed up, it’s quite obvious that those of The Times (and the rest of the media’s) are.


North Hills


After viewing President Clinton and Hillary Clinton on TV Tuesday night, I think they should be nominated for Emmys for best performances in a continuing series.




I am concerned that “First Lady Uses Familiar Tactics to Fight Back” by Melissa Healy (Jan. 28) is an editorial piece rather than a news story worthy of your front page. Your paper has been notorious in its lack of support for the Clinton presidency but with this article I seriously question your ability to print news instead of tabloid-style junk!



Yorba Linda


Regarding Hillary Clinton’s comment that there is a “right-wing conspiracy” out to get her husband: I am reminded of a quote from Woodrow Wilson: “Never murder a man who is busy committing suicide.”


Santa Barbara


To anyone who believes the Clintons’ assertions that Kenneth Starr is some sort of pawn under the influence of right-wing radicals just out to undermine the presidency, I would ask these questions: Who appointed Starr? If you know the answer, to whom does that person report?

If you know the answers to these two questions and still believe that Starr is at the beck of right-wing radicals, you are being reeled in, and will be on the floor of Clinton’s boat shortly.





[Senate Majority Leader] Trent Lott got off the best line Tuesday night when he said that we should get our money’s worth out of government. I almost died crying.


Rancho Palos Verdes


The Clinton team wants to investigate Monica Lewinsky’s background now, after she became a huge embarrassment to the president. Wasn’t the time for a background check before they gave her free run of the Oval Office and a job at the Pentagon?


Los Angeles


Barely digesting the anti-Tripp/Starr letters (Jan. 27), I see clearly how a man like Clinton became our president. Literate citizens turn on those who present damaging evidence about our commander in chief. Shouldn’t we be outraged that he actually is our commander in chief?


I expect the president of my country to have honor, integrity and character. Is that too much to ask? We can neither excuse his reckless, amoral behavior nor condemn those who legally have garnered information about him. I thought this was a democracy; the White House belongs to all of us. He has disgraced our White House and our country. He should resign--but that would take character. I’m not holding my breath.


Los Angeles


If Clinton had earned a reputation throughout his political career as an honest and forthright man, we’d all believe him now. Sadly, the opposite is proving the case.


South Pasadena


Recent developments with Clinton’s private crisis underscore the need for a constitutional amendment which acknowledges that the president, while no different than the rest of us, has a job that is unique. As such, the law of the land must recognize that though special treatment cannot be permitted, the time frame within which justice can be achieved by citizens in purely civil matters against a sitting president must be delayed until the end of his term.

The damage done to national security and America’s power and prestige in the world by the current affair is obvious and dangerous. We are all more vulnerable because of Paula Jones and Lewinsky and that simply cannot be tolerated.


Hermosa Beach


I wish the Clinton lynch mob would let the man do his job. I voted for Clinton two times to be my president. Let’s let Hillary worry about his alleged adultery. She’s his wife.




If George Will (Column Right, Jan. 27) were in charge, there would be congressmen, senators and presidents resigning every day due to “tawdry” behavior and unproved allegations. Yes, Clinton may be guilty of everything, but to insinuate he should be impeached or resign several days following some “tawdry” allegations of bad behavior and compare this to the high crimes against the Constitution for which Nixon was about to be impeached is making a mockery of Will’s editorial privilege.


And please stop using metaphorical references such as Alger Hiss and the McCarthy hearings which have no bearing on what is happening to make a point! It took years to get rid of Nixon; at least give Clinton a chance to respond intelligently.


Dana Point


President Clinton seems to be falling prey to his own liberality. He has never attempted to change the extremely relaxed federal law making lawful and admissible into evidence tapes that are surreptitiously recorded by a party to a conversation not acting under color of law. After all, it was the only one day, Jan. 13, when Linda Tripp was authorized by Starr to tape her conversation with Lewinsky. Before that, starting from summer 1997, Tripp acted on her own. She had recorded 17 tapes covering 20 hours of her conversations with Monica, who suspected nothing. Starr can bear to drink from such a dirty cup, can’t he?

Here, in California, such surreptitious recording is considered a crime, subject to the statutory prescribed damages of $5,000, and prohibited as evidence.


Attorney, Van Nuys


For a while I thought that we had become a nation of bookkeepers and actuaries. Now, I think we are a nation of peeping Toms and spies. Be careful, someone may be recording you or reporting your Internet pseudonyms. Be especially careful if you believe you are talking to a friend. This is freedom?


Santa Maria


Clinton’s conduct is reprehensible. But that of Starr is far worse. When friends are asked to record the private thoughts of friends, a free society is doomed.


Long Beach


Most Americans can recognize the difference between a real assault on democracy such as Watergate and a media-driven “scandal” of purported sex, lies and audiotape in the White House. Why do the media pundits continue to push this story down our throats?





Re Clinton, you can’t say he is a “do nothing” president.


Long Beach
