
New Police Station Site Plan Gets City Support

Residents in the canyon, after more than 20 years of waiting, may soon get a police station and community center.

The City Council this week supported allowing a police station at a former medical building on a 6-acre parcel on east Santa Ana Canyon Road.

Under the proposal, the city would buy the 47,328-square-foot Anaheim Memorial Medical Plaza for $6.3 million and turn it into a police station, without a jail. A portion of the three-story building would be used for a community center and other city services.


Money for the building would come from funds already collected from homeowners in three Mello-Roos districts. Those homeowners must now vote to use the money--about $5.2 million--to buy the building, instead of building a new station on a nearby vacant site. Building a new station would cost more than $8 million, City Manager James D. Ruth said.

The city would also contribute about $1 million of general funds and $375,000 from developer fees for the project.
