
Boy Calls 911 During Burglary of His Home

A 14-year-old Camarillo boy dashed into a closet with a cellular telephone and called authorities Friday afternoon as his family’s Spanish Hills house was being burglarized, police said.

Dozens of sheriff’s deputies, two K-9 units and a helicopter searched the neighborhood in the 1100 block of Avenida de Aprisa but were unable to locate the burglars, believed to be two or three teenage boys who fled, police said.

“He heard a noise at the back door and ran into a back bedroom,” said Sheriff’s Sgt. Larry Kelley. “He heard the back door being forced open.”


The boy, who was home alone when the break-in occurred at 12:30 p.m., talked to a 911 dispatcher until deputies arrived, Kelley said.

The boy was uninjured. His parents were contacted and the boy’s mother rushed home, Kelley said.

The robbers kicked in a back door at the single-story home and scavenged the house, stealing jewelry, cameras and at least two guns, authorities said.


The boy apparently caught a glimpse of the burglars and described them as teenage boys.
