
Tom Bane

The Times’ April 12 obituary of former Assemblyman Tom Bane reminded me of my tiny and fleeting contact with him as a college student in 1983. I had just written my first letter to a newspaper, which was published by The Times. Although I did not even reside within his district, Bane clipped out my letter and sent it along with a note to me, in care of The Times, praising my letter (about the constitutionality and wisdom of aid to parochial schools) and congratulating me on the success of its publication.

He may well have sent such congratulatory notes to every local author of published letters he agreed with, but his gesture affected me and helped give me an empowering sense that my voice was being heard.

I have since had published nearly 50 articles and letters on legal and public policy-related matters throughout the country. Yet I never again received an unsolicited response from an elected official.



