
Rosemead Case Driver Held

From a Times staff writer

A man who drove Evelio Rivera Zacarias around after Zacarias allegedly gunned down six people in a fit of jealous rage surrendered Thursday night at the sheriff’s station in Industry, deputies said.

Detectives said Efrain Peredia, 23, was booked on suspicion of kidnapping and being an accessory to murder. He reportedly told them he drove Zacarias to Mexico and left him there.

Officers say Zacarias, 41, stormed into a house in Rosemead on Monday night and fatally shot four people and wounded two others. Investigators say he was distraught because his former girlfriend had been dating one of the men who was slain.


Sheriff’s Det. Frank Gonzales said Zacarias kidnapped a woman from the home before fleeing.

Peredia told authorities he and Zacarias dropped the woman off, and he drove Zacarias across the border, the detective said.

Peredia claims he was unaware that the woman had been kidnapped and says he knew nothing about the shootings, Gonzales said.


Zacarias is still at large.
