
Viewing the Bad With the Good

* There has been much criticism about the live broadcasting of the car chase that led to a police shooting on Interstate 805 on Nov. 26 (“Freeway Chase on Live TV Ends in Driver’s Killing,” Nov. 27).

Those critical of these televised incidents, some of them university “experts.” claim that the events are not newsworthy and that TV networks are trying to boost ratings.

At times, live broadcasting of unfolding reality is distasteful, even painful. However, we must recognize that despite some unpleasant moments of live coverage, our uncensored, free press has assured positive changes within our society that we all enjoy.


Without a free media sharing the good and bad that comes with life, we become disengaged from reality with little motivation for change.

Coverage of events like the Rodney King beating, Waco, the NASA Challenger explosion, etc., has shaped us as a people. I applaud the media for keeping a sharp eye on what’s happening in our world.


Dana Point
