
Pat Buchanan

* Finally, a presidential candidate is talking about morality and foreign policy in the same sentence (“Buchanan Says He’d Lift Sanctions,” Dec. 16). Pat Buchanan is a brave man to stand up to the globalist imperialists and tell the emperor to put some clothes on. What we have done to Iraq and more recently to Serbia via reckless bombing and cruel embargoes is indeed a sign of how ugly America has become. Attacking countries that have not attacked us, killing thousands of innocents and wreaking vengeance on the defeated nations. The “just war” doctrine has been replaced by Mad Madeleine Albright’s immoral war doctrine, which does not apologize for killing 60,000 of Iraq’s young and weak a year. An embargo is a clear act of war and kills civilians.

If a country dares to challenge the globalists in the U.N. or NATO, then its people will be given the Iraq treatment. The fools who run our foreign policy are sowing the seeds for the fall of the Pax Americana by creating deep resentments against our trampling on their national sovereignty. Buchanan represents all that was good and decent about America; may he restore our republic to its rightful path.


