
The Mouse and the ‘King’

Why am I not surprised at Kenneth Turan’s less than enthusiastic review of “Stuart Little” (“ ‘Stuart Little’ Is at Its Best When Sticking to the Book,” Dec. 17)? How ancient are your reporters? Do they have access to young children? Did they take youngsters with them and ask for their opinions?

Because I did. I took two children, both almost 5, both very intelligent. One goes to sleep at night to the story of Stuart Little, the other had never heard of Stuart Little. Like all the other youngsters who attended the screening I was at, they sat transfixed at the wonder and joy of “Stuart Little.” The fact that the movie does not faithfully mirror the book did not bother the one child as much as it bothered Turan.

Parents, ignore Turan’s review. Take your child and take your child’s friends. You will not be bored, and neither will they. You will leave the theater feeling good--feeling entertained.



Sherman Oaks


I think Turan’s review of “Anna and the King” was unnecessarily harsh (“A More Real, Regal Siam,” Dec. 17). We finally have a movie in which the lead female character is portrayed as a strong, intelligent character who doesn’t just take her clothes off at the first opportunity to get what she wants. My hat’s off to Jodie Foster for keeping the strength and integrity of this woman intact.

To say or even imply that there was no chemistry between the two lead stars is ludicrous.


Beverly Hills
