
Film Restorers

Robert A. Harris correctly states that I was not involved in the initial restoration of “Lawrence of Arabia” (Letters, Feb. 21). That major project was overseen by Harris and Jim Painten with the help of many talented people, not the least of whom was Sir David Lean. Credit to all of them is well-deserved.

But, while the statement “during that period, Crisp was never heard from” is true, what Harris conveniently fails to mention is “that period” was almost 12 years ago, several years prior to establishing the restoration program now in place. Since Harris is well aware of this fact, it is all the more puzzling that he cites my so-called lack of “assistance.”

As to the responsibility we all have in restoring these films, I feel quite confident that I speak not only for myself, but also for my counterparts at the other studios, in saying the most important thing for us is to focus on the work itself and less on the personalities surrounding the work.



Sony Pictures, Culver City
