
Repetitive Injury

Re “Fighting Repetitive Injury,” editorial, Nov. 26: You cite evidence of 300,000 injuries out of 27 million workers. Is this so overwhelming a number, requiring an act of Congress? Is so low a percentage sufficient justification to require employers to incur billions of dollars in costs to implement and comply with regulations that are not feasible in the first instance and billions more on government oversight? Is this number enough to justify tax dollars being spent on implementation and administration? Absolutely not!

How on Earth are you going to “make” employers prevent these types of injuries--each body enters the workplace in different condition with different susceptibilities. What will you hold employers accountable for next--headaches? The more regulations we impose, the more open employers become to costly, counterproductive lawsuits. These types of regulations raise issues that often are nonexistent and become magnified by disgruntled employees. They create a negative, detached and demoralizing atmosphere in the workplace, where everyone is suspicious and suspect.


Sherman Oaks
