
Readers Recommend

France--Jeanne Bartkowski, Long Beach: “Air Escargot, 71150 Remigny; telephone 011-33-385-87-1230, fax 011-33-385-87-0884. A balloon ride over beautiful Burgundy, followed by canal cruise in a motor launch. Memorable.” Rate: about $207 per person for one- to 1 1/2-hour flight, cruise, breakfast or afternoon tea; four hours total.

Ireland--Jeanne Henry, Palos Verdes Estates: “Riverside House, Galbally Road, Tipperary, County Tipperary; tel. 011-353-62-51219, fax 011-353-62-33499, Internet Pleasant, spotless B&B; a five-minute walk to town. Helpful hosts.” Rate: $24 per person, with private bath.

Oregon--Harold Schilling, Palm Desert: “Astoria Inn, 3391 Irving Ave., Astoria 97103; tel. (800) 718-8153, Internet Fun four-room B&B.; Private baths; two rooms have great views of the Columbia River.” Rates: $70-$85 double.


Send recommendations to Travel, L.A. Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles 90053.
