
The Power of Words

Convention oratory can be memorable. Here are excerpts from one example, the acceptance speech of Adlai E. Stevenson, delivered Aug. 17, 1956, in Chicago:


‘To you here tonight and across the country who have sustained me in this great undertaking for months and even years, I am deeply, humbly grateful; and to none more than the noble lady who is also the treasurer of a legacy of greatness -- Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, who has reminded us so movingly that this is 1956 and not 1932, nor even 1952; that our problems alter as well as their solutions; that change is the law of life, and that political parties, no less than individuals, ignore it at their peril....Standing as we do here tonight at this great fork of history, may we never be silenced, may we never lose our faith in freedom and the better destiny of man.’

Source: Los Angeles Times
