
High School Opens at Temporary Site

The opening of Foothill Technology High School, the first new high school in the Ventura Unified School District in 30 years, attracted an enthusiastic crowd of parents, teachers and students Tuesday.

Although in temporary quarters on the Ventura College campus, the magnet’s 14 faculty members and 283 students are optimistic, Principal Judy Warner said.

“The kids are telling me that there is a summer camp feeling at Foothill, and we think that’s pretty good,” Warner said. “We want our students to be excited about their education.”


The interim facility includes 11 classrooms, two fully equipped computer labs and a computer in every classroom.

Warner said Foothill’s permanent campus will occupy a 7.5-acre site. The state Department of Education recommends a 40- to 50-acre site for a comprehensive high school but granted approval because Foothill is a smaller magnet school.
