
Bill Bradley

* Re “Calling His Rival ‘Conservative,’ Bradley Sharpens Attack on Gore,” Feb. 23: After a steady diet of Al Gore’s sweet-tasting campaign fodder, it’s no surprise that some found Bill Bradley’s forthright responses in the Feb. 21 debate “distasteful.” Indeed, these days Gore has a whole new tasteful persona. Thanks to the armada of highly paid image consultants he employs, he now has a tasteful new wardrobe, a tasteful new haircut, a tasteful new speaking style and tasteful new politics.

By contrast, Bradley looks and acts in the same “testy” way he always has, has the same convictions he has always had and doesn’t change his stance to accommodate the latest polls. Bradley’s blunt and honest style tastes strange after seven years of feel-good government--of which Gore has been very much an integral part.


Los Angeles


* I applaud the candidates for addressing race relations in the Feb. 21 debate at the Apollo Theater. Race is perhaps the most challenging issue our country faces and it takes a strong leader who is willing to use the power of the presidency to influence other people to think about it.


I was particularly impressed with Bradley, who mentioned during the debate that he refused endorsements as a basketball player because he saw that other, more talented black players were not receiving the same opportunities. That is the kind of example that needs to be set for our nation to achieve racial harmony. In an issue with seemingly few differences in policy, it may come down to experience and character that make one candidate more capable of dealing with race than another.


San Diego


* The Feb. 21 front-page photo of Gore and Hillary Clinton clearly demonstrates the complete bias of The Times’ editors. The accompanying story was on Page 20. Why wasn’t the photo on Page 20?


Seal Beach


* Sounds like the same people who backed the impeachment fiasco are in charge of George W. Bush’s campaign strategy. Congratulations to President Gore.



Studio City
