
Gay-Straight Club

* Re “O.C. School Must Allow Gay-Straight Club to Meet,” Feb. 5:

The Orange Unified School District board members are fond of referring to Bible passages to justify their actions. From my years in seminary, however, I find that their knowledge of the Bible is superficial and self-serving.

Regarding their latest imbroglio over the Gay-Straight Alliance student club issue at El Modena High School, the board members need to refer to Ezekiel 16:49, which declares: “Listen. Here is the real sin of Sodom. She and her daughters had abundant food, carefree ease, but grew arrogant and did not help the poor and the needy.”

As you pointed out in the Feb. 6 article, “In Orange, ‘Unified’ Is a Misnomer,” the arrogant board members have repeatedly rejected free grant money that would help poor and needy children in our schools.



President, Orange Unified

Education Assn.


* I am a father of six children. It makes me sick inside to think that anyone would go along with approving a homosexual club on a high school campus anywhere. This is not what high schools were built for.


Santa Ana

* The Orange Unified School District board should be applauded for standing up to those who are pushing for a Gay-Straight Alliance at El Modena High School.

It is clearly dangerous and unwise to allow minors at our public schools to become embroiled in sexual matters, alternative or otherwise, under the guise of a school club.


It is unconscionable that the club has had the support of several teachers, in addition to the usual stampede of liberal special interests.


Santa Ana
