
Ham Radio Test Event Planned

Ham radio operators will participate in an American Radio Relay League’s field day this weekend--a competition to practice for emergency situations.

A team of three amateur radio operators will work through the night using primitive equipment to make contact with as many other ham radio operators as possible across the U.S. and Canada.

“To make a legal contact we are only required to give our name, location and call sign,” said Ed Rogoff, president of the local branch of the AHS Amateur Radio Club based in Simi Valley. “If you had an emergency you wouldn’t want to chitchat anyway, you’d just want to communicate.”


The team plans to use Morse code, solar power, battery power, some digital equipment and antennas that they will set up early Saturday morning. It’s estimated that more than 35,000 ham radio operators participate in this event each year.

The AHS Amateur Radio Club was started in Alhambra in the 1970s and was named after Alhambra High School.

This weekend’s event takes place at Camarillo Airport, 50 Durley Ave., from 11 a.m. Saturday until 2 p.m. Sunday.
