
More Jiggle Ends Giggles

I read Brian Lowry’s column (“Inequality of the Sexes, or the Giggling Over Jiggling,” Feb. 26) with interest. This sort of TV has been going on for years in Europe on mainstream television. It doesn’t raise the hackles there as much as here because Europeans do not have the same hang-ups over sex as we Americans. Teenagers see topless women on the beaches and in daily newspapers all the time, so it doesn’t cause giggling. If we just relaxed a bit over seeing the naked human body, things would improve for both sexes. Oh, and women are generally treated as civilly, if not more so, in most of Europe as they are in this country.


Santa Barbara


Reading Lowry’s article on TV shows he accuses of being insensitive to women, I half-expected him to apologize for being a male.

I wonder, do Lowry and [National Organization for Women] President Patricia Ireland have a problem with the incredible number of radio and TV commercials that bash men by portraying them as buffoons while presenting women as all-knowing and superior?



