
Thousands Protest Gov. Jeb Bush’s Preference Ban

From Associated Press

About 10,000 demonstrators chanting “Shame on Bush” jammed the state Capitol grounds Tuesday, demanding that Gov. Jeb Bush back off his plan to ban racial and gender preferences in university admissions and state contracting.

Pouring into Tallahassee from around the country, the demonstrators said they feared Bush’s plan to end affirmative action would erase the gains blacks and other minorities have made since the civil rights movement. The GOP governor has put portions of the plan into effect through executive order, but other segments still need legislative approval.

“This is the first step toward resegregation,” said the Rev. Timothy McDonald, who came from Atlanta.


The rally was timed to coincide with the governor’s State of the State address and the opening of the legislative session.

Police put the crowd at 9,000 to 11,000. Participants included the Rev. Jesse Jackson, NAACP President Kweisi Mfume, the Rev. Martin Luther King III, members of Congress and state legislators.

Protesters sang “Amazing Grace” and “We Shall Overcome” and waved signs reading “Jeb is Bush league,” “Jeb Crow” and “Bush Whack.”


Inside the Capitol, Bush defended the plan during his address.

“The vast majority of Floridians favor the elimination of affirmative action programs,” he said.

His plan bans race and gender consideration for admission to the state’s 10 public universities and in awarding state contracts. It guarantees college admission to the top 20% of each high school graduating class if the students have taken college preparatory classes.
