
Subconscious May Be Longing for Vacation


Dear Cynthia: Lately my dreams are in different locations and include different people, but they have a common theme: I can’t seem to get anything done. Typical of all of them is one I had last month. Our family is on vacation, and it is time to pack up and go home. But I just can’t seem to start packing. I am surprised that I have taken so much for just a one-week trip. I get angry with some children who come over to play with my kids because they are interrupting the process. By the time I wake from the dream, I am no closer to being packed than I was in the beginning.



Dear Reader: Boy, this does sound frustrating. Dreaming of a vacation can indicate a suggestion from your subconscious mind that you could, indeed, benefit from one or at least some rest and relaxation. The obvious place to begin deciphering the theme of your dreams is to ask yourself if you are feeling ineffective in your waking state? Have you overextended yourself, or are you feeling overwhelmed by too many responsibilities? Anger with the kids could be a sense of anger with the self for being playful or making immature choices when there is work to be done. Could it be that you are avoiding or denying some adult responsibilities?

If any of this seems to ring true for you, you may want to strategize. Some new organization or time management techniques may be in order. Perhaps you can delegate some matters to others to lighten the load.



Note to all readers: Dreams are one part of our lives that are relevant to everyone; they know no boundaries of culture, race, age or economic situation. For some living in an abusive situation, in poverty or in any less-than-supportive condition, dreams are all the person may have to encourage and motivate their life. If you have had a dream that changed your life, or if your dreams have inspired you to persist against all odds and achieve your life’s goals, I would like to hear from you. Sharing your story here can give others a much-needed boost. Some dreams are a gift from the soul.

Cynthia Richmond is the author of “Dream Power, How to Use Your Night Dreams to Change Your Life” (Simon & Schuster, 2000). Fax your dreams to Cynthia Richmond at (818) 783-3267, or e-mail them to [email protected]. Please include your hometown and a daytime phone number. In Your Dreams appears every Tuesday and should be read for entertainment purposes only.
