
Hotel Offers Class to Teach Your Kids Class

Greg Hernandez covers the restaurant industry for The Times. He can be reached at (714) 966-5989 and at [email protected]

For parents tired of seeing their kids eating with their hands instead of a fork, there is hope.

The Four Seasons Hotel in Newport Beach is offering one of its three-hour “tutorial” classes on Saturday called the “ABC’s of Table Manners.” Eight- to 12-year-olds will be taught the general do’s and don’ts of dining: napkin and utensil placement, posture at the table, how to eat soup.

The etiquette lessons come at a price--$105 per student, including a meal of corn chowder with smoked shrimp, herb-encrusted chicken breast with lemon rosemary sauce and sherbet with fresh raspberries.


The class, which accommodates up to 20 students per session, is nearly full, but is offered several times a year. Parents are not allowed.

Apparently, it’s never too early to start honing skills for the working world.

“Strong competition in the job market today makes it necessary for young adults to acquire people skills to complement their technical skills,” the Four Seasons release states.
