

After more than two decades away, Jeri Stately is returning home.

Stately, who was the second employee hired by the master-planned community after it became a city in December 1971, will start as Irvine’s city clerk and director of administrative services April 17. She brings 25 years of experience, most recently as city clerk for Lake Forest.

Stately will run the city’s legislative and election matters as well as manage all city records and information.

Her arrival will mean that Assistant City Manager Judy Vonada will be relieved of city clerk responsibilities and can stop juggling both jobs.


City officials expect that Stately, a longtime Irvine resident, will fit into her position immediately.

Stately was first hired by Irvine in 1972. Coincidentally, she was also Lake Forest’s second paid employee when she was hired Dec. 20, 1991, the day Lake Forest became a city.
