
Screening the Tech Heap

Has this week’s widespread technology sell-off created bargains in the sector? The Times screened Bloomberg’s database of the Nasdaq 100 index, first isolating the 20 members that have fallen the most in the last five sessions, then picking the 10 of those with the highest projected earnings-per-share growth over the next three to five years, based on Wall Street analyst estimates. Investors looking to bottom-fish in the tech sector might want to further investigate these stocks, which are listed in order of expected earnings growth. There’s no guarantee, of course, that these stocks won’t keep sinking--or that the companies will meet analysts’ expectations.


Projected Ticker Thursday 5-day 3-to-5-year Company symbol close change EPS growth* RealNetworks RNWK $59.19 -15.8% +56.4% BroadVision BVSN 51.00 -24.5 +50.0 Network Appliance NTAP 79.13 -24.9 +48.0 Network Solutions NSOL 165.00 -17.5 +47.5 Citrix Systems CTXS 72.13 -19.9 +45.5 I2 Technologies ITWO 129.00 -24.9 +42.2 PMC-Sierra PMCS 173.25 -24.0 +40.0 Siebel Systems SEBL 114.50 -20.3 +40.0 Concord EFS CEFT 19.75 -16.0 +34.3 Comverse Technology CMVT 170.98 -14.7 +29.3 Nasdaq 100 index NDX 4,250.19 -8.8 NA S&P; 100 index SPX 1,487.92 -2.6 +12.5


*Estimated annualized increase in earnings per share

Note: NA=not available

Sources: Bloomberg News, Zacks Investment Research
