
Killing Rabbits Isn’t the Answer

* Re “In the Cross Hairs, a Riot of Rabbits,” May 2:

Political Science 101 will have to be updated to accommodate Seal Beach.

It seems the Police Department can nullify city ordinances at its whim. Last I knew, the police were to enforce city ordinances, and only the City Council could enact and annul such ordinances.

Or do those “pesky wabbits” warrant ignoring the city charter? How many retirees will be stung with pellets? BRUCE M. STARK

Seal Beach

* Seal Beach is going to exterminate innocent rabbits because they defecate and eat greenery and there’s too many of them?


Were there an otherworldly observer, that individual might say the same description fits humans.

The Times runs consecutive stories bemoaning the slaughter of geese and ducks and a sea lion, then runs stories about how a rabbit slaughter is justified.

And we wonder why kids don’t understand the sanctity of life?

If rabbits are eating gardens, spreading blood-meal on the soil will discourage them without harm. It also works for deer and raccoons.


Isn’t it worth the minimal expense to send a message that all life has value?


Laguna Beach
