
Copper Curtain

* Re “Keep It Simple, Set It Free: Much-Maligned Copper Curtain Needs a Tweak, Not a Sledgehammer or an Infusion of Cash,” Ventura County Perspective, April 23.

As stated in this article, the writer hasn’t really read the proposals; all he knows is what he has read in the newspapers. So I offer my proposal for him to read.

I do wish city officials had seen through the original artist’s vision. He was sold short, for sure.


However, at this point to keep it simple and cheap was my main goal. Cleaning and freeing the copper panels is neither. Ever see a copper penny? They don’t stay clean long. My idea is at least somewhat clever. And as far as cost, it could be done for less than $100,000. (I understand it would cost that to remove the curtain.)

What could be simpler than 1,000 oaks for Thousand Oaks? Utilize the existing art structurally and artistically and say who and where we are. And do it with a little style. Oh, and it’s brushed gold-anodized aluminum, not stainless steel. And the artist is one of the area’s finest.


Newbury Park
