
Vicente Fox

* Now we find a contender in the Mexican presidential campaign, Vicente Fox, touring the Southland and making promises to the Mexican immigrants about what he intends to do as president of Mexico (May 8). These promises include giving votes to Mexicans in America, to make money transfers cheaper, to guarantee health care for U.S.-based Mexican immigrants and also free access to seek the relatively well-paying jobs in America by opening the border. Fox seeks to have the Mexicans in America influence their families below the border.

Do we allow foreigners to dictate our laws? Is Mexico going to pay for the health care for U.S.-based Mexicans? We should be able to control our own borders. If the immigrants from Mexico are so concerned about what happens in their home country why are they here? Maybe they should make the final trip back to where their concerns are and work to improve their own homeland!


San Clemente


* Re “What They Really Need Is a Wyatt Earp,” Commentary, May 7:

Sergio Munoz writes, “And just who will protect the nation from [Barbara] Coe and the other members of the [California Coalition for Immigration Reform], I wonder?” What an absurd question! This country needs the enforcement of integrity of its borders and the protection from an invasion of hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants who, like the proverbial four columns, pour into the U.S. each year. The author seems to lose a sense of priority when he compares a “threat” posed to the nation by Coe to the real threat of uncontrolled illegal immigration. Or is he an advocate of the fifth column?



Redondo Beach
