

* I hope readers understand that the $12.8 million paid to Insurance Commissioner Chuck Quackenbush’s private foundations was really paid by you and me, Mr. and Ms. Taxpayer. The insurance companies paid their money to a tax-deductible charity and therefore wrote 100% of it off their taxes.

If Quackenbush had followed the law, the insurance companies would have paid penalties that would have gone into the general fund and they would not be able to write any of it off their taxes.

I hope that my tax dollars can be put to good use by providing Quackenbush with free room and board at one of our state’s fine institutions such as Chino or Pelican Bay. Now, that would be tax dollars well spent.



West Hollywood


* The part that I don’t understand is how Quackenbush got elected in the first place. His TV ads all had footnotes claiming the ad was paid for by an insurance company or industry organization. That was a red flag telling me to vote for the other candidate. The voters got what they asked for.


Garden Grove
