
DNA Sequencer

* “DNA Device’s Heredity Scrutinized by U.S.” (May 14) omitted a central fact. Contrary to statements in the article, laboratory notebooks prove that a prototype DNA sequencer was functioning by March 1985. Caltech made available to your reporters hard laboratory data demonstrating that a sequencer was working at that time.

This misrepresentation goes to the heart of the question raised in the article: whether the sequencer was invented and proved to work before or after Caltech first received federal dollars for sequencer work. Your story chose to discount and bury a sworn affidavit and two lengthy interviews with the National Science Foundation official responsible for awarding the grant. He has stated that he saw a working prototype sequencer in March 1985, six months before Caltech received the federal money.

A full review of the record shows that Caltech acted in a legal and ethical manner. We are proud of the role Caltech played in producing a machine that is leading to extraordinary progress in science and medicine.



Vice President and Provost

Caltech, Pasadena
