
‘Brother’s’ Big Flaws

Greg Braxton’s article on the anemic show-biz curb appeal of the “Big Brother” cast (yes, cast) as contrasted with the “Survivor” cast was on the mark (“ ‘Big Brother’ Cast Is Meeting Big Yawns,” Oct. 14). But, like other commentators, Braxton missed a major reason.

Yes, “Big Brother” was boring. But the reason why is more complicated than a lack of chemistry or conflict between cast members. The bare fact was that, except for Cassandra, most members were intellectually vapid “me-heads” who had nothing to say about themselves or others that revealed enough brain wattage to light up a thimble. They blathered and blathered about feelings that were puerile, self-absorbed and of “The Gong Show” caliber. There was no there there.

“Survivor” was everyone’s fantasy. “Big Brother” was everyone’s nightmare: The nightmare of being stuck with those mere oxygen depleters for almost three months. The show was obviously cast and edited to engage the interest of adolescents while not taxing their intellect, no mean feat in itself. They succeeded.



Los Angeles
