
Social Security Covers All Ages

* Edward E. Leamer, in his Oct. 16 commentary concerning the privatization of Social Security, has demonstrated the same lack of knowledge of the Social Security program as have both major-party candidates for the office of president. The Social Security program is far from being just a retirement program. Social Security is also a national insurance program. Throughout the many years the insurance aspect of the plan has been in effect, hundreds of thousands of widows have been able to support their minor-age children with the financial assistance provided under the program. Thousands of disabled persons have been able to avoid poverty by receiving similar financial assistance.

To continue to refer to Social Security as simply a retirement plan is to deliberately mislead the younger generation into thinking that this is a generation conflict. It definitely is not. The insurance aspect of the program covers employees of all ages. It is time the presidential candidates acknowledge the reality of the plan and cease making it the political issue that they have.


Long Beach


* Jeremy Rifkin hits the nail on the head (“Consumer Debt Is Our Economy’s Achilles’ Heel,” Commentary, Oct. 15). He who doesn’t remember the past will repeat the mistakes in the future. The easy credit and people burying themselves in debt will have an effect on families and the social structure. Investing Social Security funds in the stock market is a disaster waiting to happen. We are living in a “boom and bust” era. What goes up has to come down. There are no guaranteed surpluses.


I lived through the Great Depression, when the theme song was “Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?” and you could buy an apple on every corner from the unemployed. The CEOs of the corporations are taking home millions a year in salary and perks. Their employees are frozen in salaries such that their buying power has been decreasing steadily. The family unit is under pressure and at risk. This is the future as promulgated by Gov. George W. Bush, giving money to the rich and disregarding the working citizens who will not see any return because their earnings are so low.


Los Angeles
