
Oxnard Airport

* I recently purchased a house in Oxnard Shores. Prior to purchasing it I made inquiries as to the future of Oxnard Airport and I was assured that the airport was due to be closed.

However, much to my horror, I have recently heard that not only is the airport to remain open but local authorities and airlines are considering commercial expansion. I am very concerned and upset over this news.

I come from a small village outside Dublin in Ireland, and I have seen firsthand the devastation caused by the introduction of commercial aircraft to a small local airport. The noise pollution, air pollution, traffic chaos and the introduction of no-building zones changed village life beyond all recognition. The airport did not help the local economy or provide any jobs promised for the local people and caused property values to plummet in this once beautiful village.


I moved to Oxnard for the beauty of the scenery and a quiet life. If I wanted noise and pollution, I would have purchased a house in Los Angeles.

Please close the Oxnard Airport now, before it is too late.


