
Healthy Bestsellers


1. “Body for Life: 12 Weeks to Mental and Physical Strength,” by Bill Phillips and Michael D’Orso (HarperCollins, $25)

2. “Eat Right for Your Type: The Individualized Diet Solution to Staying Healthy, Living Longer and Achieving Your Ideal Weight,” by Peter J. D’Adamo (Putnam, $23.95)

3. “Sugar Busters!: Cut Sugar to Trim Fat,” by H. Leighton Steward, Morrison Bethea, Sam Andrews, Ralph Brennan and Luis Balart (Ballantine, $22)


4. “The Wisdom of Menopause: Creating Physical and Emotional Health and Healing During the Change,” by Christiane Northrup (Bantam, $27.95)

5. “Fight Fat After 40: The Revolutionary Three-Pronged Approach That Will Break Your Stress-Fat Cycle and Make You Healthy, Fit and Trim for Life,” by Pamela Peeke (Viking, $24.95)


1. “The Pilates Body: The Ultimate At-Home Guide to Strengthening, Lengthening, and Toning Your Body--Without Machines,” by Brooke Siler (Broadway, $18)


2. “Dr. Atkins’ New Diet Revolution,” by Robert C. Atkins (Avon, $6.50)

3. “Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom: Creating Physical and Emotional Health and Healing,” by Christiane Northrup (Bantam, $17.95)

4. “Energy Medicine,” by Donna Eden with David Feinstein (J.P. Tarcher, $16.95)

5. “The Carbohydrate Addict’s Diet: The Lifelong Solution to Yo-Yo Dieting,” by Richard and Rachael Heller (NAL, $7.50)
