
Race for L.A. Mayor

* In “It’s Hard, Now, Not to Take Villaraigosa Very Seriously” (Commentary, April 1) Frank del Olmo writes that Rep. Xavier Becerra is “now in the uncomfortable position of playing spoiler to Villaraigosa.” This claim may make sense to the political pundits, activists and consultants. However, on the community level, especially in the Latino community, Antonio Villaraigosa and Becerra are viewed as political role models. They are seen as positive models for the youth in our communities. The fact that these two dedicated, experienced and knowledgeable individuals are running for mayor of Los Angeles gives hope and pride to a community long given to negative images.

One is a UCLA graduate and past speaker of the state Assembly, the other a Stanford graduate and current congressman. No, there are no spoilers in this crop of candidates. Thank you, Rep. Becerra and Mr. Villaraigosa, for giving our community new pride and hope.


Los Angeles
