

The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation’s newly opened Wig Bank in Costa Mesa seeks donations of wigs, hats and turbans. The bank supplies wigs to women of limited means who are undergoing breast cancer treatment. (714) 957-9157, Ext. 43.

Anaheim Family YMCA seeks 150 volunteers to read stories to schoolchildren. 2:30-5 p.m. April 27. At 16 school sites in Anaheim. Melissa Gonzales, (714) 635-9622.

Boys & Girls Club of Brea needs volunteers to help build a larger play area for children. 9:30 a.m.-2 p.m. April 28. 502 S. Sievers Ave., Brea. Lois Monroe, (714) 990-7175.


Orange County Community Development Council in Garden Grove seeks 200 volunteers to assemble food baskets for low-income seniors, infants and pregnant women, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. (four shifts available), April 27 and 28. 12640 Knott St., Garden Grove. Mark Lowry, (714) 897-6670.

Adult Day Services of Huntington Beach, serving those with Alzheimer’s, needs volunteers to help plant vegetables and herbs that patients will tend. 10:30 a.m.-1 p.m. April 27. 9451 Indianapolis Ave. Gwen Gadberry, (714) 593-9630.

Second Harvest Food Bank in Irvine seeks 50 volunteers to help glean crops remaining in an Irvine field after a farmer’s initial harvest. Produce is given to the needy. 1-3 p.m. April 28. Sam Caruthers, (714) 771-1343.


Shadetree Partnership, a volunteer group that promotes livable communities through shade trees, needs help planting seedlings into 15 gallon containers, weeding tree stock, counting inventory, watering and fertilizing. 9 a.m.-1 p.m. April 28. Shadetree Nursery on the UCI campus, at California and Adobe. Tom Bonkowski, (949) 453-5670.

La Habra seeks 125 volunteers to help clean La Plaza Creek by painting park tables, removing litter and pulling weeds. 8 a.m.-noon April 28. 1211 Fahringer Way, La Habra. Linda Milano, (562) 905-9708, Ext. 263.

Laguna Hills needs 20 volunteers to help distribute pamphlets to residents after an energy conservation seminar. Storm drains will be painted with “no dumping” reminders. April 28. 25201 Paseo de Alicia, Suite 150. Quinn Connolly, (949) 707-2685.


Mission Viejo seeks 1,500 volunteers to help renovate Oso Creek Trail. Planting, painting and nature crafts. 8 a.m.-noon. April 28. World Cup Center, World Cup and La Paz. Keith Rattay or Virginia Chavez, (949) 470-3072.


For more opportunities:

* The Volunteer Center of Greater Orange County, a resource center for volunteers and nonprofit organizations. (714) 953-5757, Ext. 106, https://www.volunteercenter .org.

* Orange County’s Human Resources Office. (714) 834-7440, (click on volunteers/interns).

*The Volunteer Exchange, (714) 899-6849.
