
New Threads for Lives Unraveled

From a Times staff writer

New wardrobes, haircuts and manicures were all part of a Men’s Day of Self Esteem held Sunday for former drug addicts, ex-prisoners and others trying to get back on their feet.

Personal shoppers assisted each of the more than 100 men who participated in the event at Brethren Christian High School in Huntington Beach, rushing to bring them suits, ties and accessories.

“I keep looking in the mirror. I can’t believe this is me,” said one man, beaming in a brand-new suit.


The event was part of the 10th anniversary of Working Wardrobes for a New Start, a program formed to provide career training and work clothing for women who are victims of domestic violence. The program, the first of its kind in Orange County, has gradually expanded.

“We feel a very strong need to help men as well,” said founder and executive director Jerri Rosen in a prepared statement. “This is a critical component for healthy families.”

Working Wardrobes has served more than 5,000 men and women. The organization provides a year-round series of workshops on resume writing, job interviewing, goal setting and image enhancement. One day each year, workshop graduates are invited to a Day of Self Esteem that features motivational seminars, grooming services and the opportunity to select eight to 10 outfits. The group receives substantial donations from men’s clothing stores.


The day also includes before-and-after photo sessions, haircuts and, a first for most men attending, a manicure.

“When I sat down I didn’t know about this,” admitted Mark Berryman as he put his hands out. “But I enjoy it.”
