
Building Contractor Takes Pride in His Work

Regarding “Assessing a Builder’s Crew” by Lew Sichelman, April 8: I am a general contractor and appreciate the message that people should consider those with whom they’ll be dealing during their construction projects. I am a firm believer that my business is as much about people as it is about 2-by-4s.

Where I take exception to the article is its tone. I feel the article painted a picture of contractors as a bunch of aloof, briefcase-toting suits hiring slacker college kids ... to supervise crews of even lower-level goof-offs and loose-cannon subcontractors who all together, on occasion (and by some miracle?) do a quality job.

The truth is, there are a lot of us out there doing a good all-around job despite the public’s pervasive attitude of mistrust toward contractors (which is perpetuated by articles such as this).


