
Clarence Thomas

Justice Clarence Thomas has said that it is time to drop civility and express our real feelings (“Thomas’ Star Rises as Bush Puts Allies in Key Legal Posts,” Feb. 16). Taking him at his word, here are my true feelings about him.

He is a disgrace to his profession who doesn’t appear to have had an original idea in his entire life. He almost certainly perjured himself during his confirmation hearings and clearly lied when he said he would not base his votes just on his ideology. He contributes nothing to court hearings and simply serves to double Justice Antonin Scalia’s vote. He is a perfect example of the need for the Senate to hold really meaningful confirmation hearings and not consent to the appointment of presidential appointees on a pro forma basis.


Palm Desert


It is quite apparent the bile rises in Justice Thomas’ throat every time he reflects on his confirmation hearings 10 years ago. And maybe it should. But his calls for a cultural war against those he feels wronged him are truly frightening for a member of the Supreme Court. As is the case during complex legal arguments, I like it better when he keeps his mouth shut.



Long Beach
