
1 Mystery Solved, 1 More to Go

A couple of readers solved the mystery of the mock notices that appeared in the restrooms at the San Diego Convention Center, the ones that said, “Toilet Camera Is for Research Only.”

They pointed out that the pranksters’ stickers came from Stuff magazine, which offers a page of the mischievous pronouncements each month.

The March issue has the toilet notice, as well as stickers that could be strategically placed to puzzle or alarm elevator riders (“Warning: Do Not Press 7”) and airline passengers (“Please Report All Near Misses to the Flight Attendant”).


Reader Ingrid Rodgers of Long Beach said she had fun placing still another sticker on an ATM. It said, “Nickels Only.”

TODAY’S MYSTERY: Dr. Marna Geisler of Santa Monica sent along a series of international warning signs that she saw by an elevator in a Havana hotel (see photo). These, I’m pretty sure, are real. And Geisler asks: “Can anyone tell me what we are not supposed to be doing on the elevator besides not smoking?” Beats me, though, near as I can tell, it’s OK to press 7.

SHOW BIZ ITEM: Louis Rhodes of Laguna Beach and several other readers forwarded an ad regarding the celebrity whose life was portrayed in the musical “Hello Dolly” (see accompanying).


CONFESSION IS GOOD FOR THE SEWING: “OK, I’ve been waiting for someone to turn me in,” writes Peggy Inman, referring to the “Stupid Driver Tricks” series in this column.

“But I guess I got away with it. A few years ago, I crocheted an entire afghan, as a Christmas present for my sister, while sitting in stop-and-go traffic on the 405 [Freeway] between Culver City and Long Beach. It took several months working--only during ‘stop,’ never during ‘go.’ ”

Added Inman:

“It was very therapeutic and dispelled all my road rage.”

We’ll let you off with a warning this time.

WRITE ON THE BLACKBOARD 100 TIMES . . . : Dennis Mahoney points out that the online alumni gear shop at Claremont McKenna College advertises a set of “four 10-oz. clear pint glasses.” I know a dollar isn’t what it used to be, but I think a pint is still 16 ounces. “They used to teach math there,” said Mahoney, an alumnus, “so probably only a few alumni will be taken in. . . . “


CHEW ON THIS: Reader Michael Walsh relayed a newspaper account of a wanted man who talked Paso Robles police out of arresting him until he had finished his shift that day as a chef. Otherwise, he said, the restaurant would have to shut down. Officers agreed to allow him to turn himself in. But when the shift ended the man apparently fled. He was arrested later. None of which surprises me. I’ve known plenty of chefs who couldn’t handle orders.


Cathy Steel of Glendale snapped a shot of a gentleman whose car designation suggests he’s involved with space exploration (see photo). Not exactly. Good-humored Msgr. Francis Weber is director of San Fernando Mission.


Steve Harvey can be reached at (800) LATIMES, Ext. 77083, by fax at (213) 237-4712, by mail at Metro, L.A. Times, 202 W. 1st St., L.A., 90012 and by e-mail at [email protected].
