
Aid for Refugees

We know the lives of thousands of innocent Afghans are being threatened by the twisted beliefs of some of their countrymen. We see them fleeing to the Pakistan border to avoid possible death from war. We know there is a huge food shortage. I am so glad to see efforts being put forth to get food to them. A nourished body thinks more clearly; a child given love has a healthier perspective on life as an adult, and in the present a grateful parent.

Americans and others all over the world want to help and are sympathetic to their plight, but do the Afghans see our compassion? They are not watching TV. They are busy trying to survive. We can change that in the most influential way by not letting them starve. I applaud all those who are working hard to give these people some hope. Somehow, we need to erase the propaganda they are being fed about Americans and help them see what caring people we are.

Diana Ford

