
Put the Pool Water to Work

Question: I swim three times a week, but my lower body still isn’t toned. Do you know of any pool exercises to firm my lower half, specifically my legs and bottom?


Taos, N.M.

Answer: Swimming is great for overall fitness, but if you want to tone those specific lower-body muscles, you’ll have to focus your exercises on that area--not for spot reduction, but for focused toning. The next time you’re in the pool, try these four exercises (three sets of 10 to 12 repetitions per exercise).

* Flutter kick: Using a float for your upper body, propel yourself forward with only your legs. Alternate this lower body exercise with the traditional upper body strokes, such as the butterfly, breaststroke and crawl.


* High-kick pull down: Standing in the pool, straighten your right leg and kick it out in front of you. Then slowly pull your heel back down using the resistance of the water. Repeat with the other leg.

* Karate kicks: Kick your leg out to the side as high as you can, bringing it back to the center of your body for each rep. Alternate legs every 10 or 12 times.

* Cross-country skiing: Just like you would ski over the snow, drive your legs forward and backward in the water while floating in one spot, using the resistance of the water to increase the intensity. Beginners can use a float; the more advanced should use their arms for resistance (as on a real cross-country trek).



Stephanie Oakes is the fitness correspondent for Discovery Health Channel and a health/fitness consultant. Send questions by e-mail to: stephoakes@aol. com. She cannot respond to every query.
