
What, There’s Baseball Being Played Too?

Dear Eric Karros,

I’ve got a big fat roasted crow on order for lunch today because of you, and I couldn’t be happier that I’ll be eating it.

I want to publicly apologize for giving up on you. I admit I was thinking some pretty bad thoughts about you and your future in baseball. Heck, I was ready to trade you to Tampa Bay for a ball girl and some sun block. I didn’t believe the reports of your bad back, not for one minute. I simply figured that you were a dead fastball hitter who could no longer get around on one.

Well, I was wrong. Now that we’re into June and the season is a couple of months old, I know that your stats this year are no fluke, and that your terrible season-and-a-half slump is over. You are back, and I cannot begin to tell you how good it is to see it.


So, please accept this apology and continue to lead this, the most enjoyable Dodger club in years, to the Series.

Steve Smith

San Gabriel


I see now that Kevin Brown, a supposedly physically fit, major league millionaire baseball star, has severely injured his back catching his child while falling off of the bed.

Hey Kevin, here’s a trick to keeping your balance: Take your wallet out of your pocket before you play with the kids.


D.S. Adam



It sure was refreshing to read that Eric Karros has come out against the Colorado Rockies for doctoring the baseballs at Denver. It seems they don’t fly as far when they’re heavier and Eric is concerned for “the integrity of the game.” Wonderful!

I’m looking forward to hearing that he’s also in favor of steroid testing for the same reason.

Eric Monson



Judging by some of the remarks in your May 30 article, “Steroid Problem Is Divisive Issue,” it would seem some baseball people are on other drugs besides steroids.


Milwaukee Manage Jerry Royster, a former player, says it’s a dead issue because there is no rule against it.

Hey, pop-fly brain, there is a rule--it’s called the law. Steroids are illegal--unless you can prove that every player using them has a doctor’s prescription.

Richard Blue

Los Angeles


Well, so much for rebuilding the Dodger farm system. Why is it that no matter how much research is published using provable statistics, the Dodgers’ brass seems oblivious to it?

Why can I, in just a few seconds, find pages and pages of documents proving that high school players who are drafted high rarely, if ever, pan out, but the Dodgers cannot? And high school pitchers? Forget about it! They have been universally a huge collection of busts. So what does Dan Evans do? With his first five picks he takes four high school pitchers and a high school catcher.

Dodger fans, be prepared: In five years we will still be reading articles how the Dodgers’ hands are tied because of an empty farm system. And, oh yeah--the Oakland A’s? They didn’t take a single high school player until the 19th round. Which team would you like to be rooting for over the next seven-10 years?

Kevin Webb

San Bernardino
