
Mother and Daughter Won’t Go to France

Re “Laura Bush Ready to Try Her Wings as a U.S. Envoy,” May 10: So, Laura Bush and Jenna Bush are going to do a little mother-daughter bonding on a trip to Europe. Coincidentally, my daughter and I are planning to do the same. While in Paris, Laura is looking forward to setting some time aside for “sightseeing, shopping, eating.”

Unlike the Bushes, my daughter and I will not be going to Paris. We will not support a country whose people have, over recent months, attacked, looted and torched Jewish synagogues, cemeteries and schools--a place where Jews are being terrorized on a daily basis and whose ambassador to Britain was quoted as referring to Israel with a scatological term. I’m not sure where my daughter and I will wind up, but I hope Laura and Jenna are not too blinded by the Louvre and the brioche to miss the rampant anti-Semitism that will surely surround them.

Shondell Spiegel

Los Angeles
