
A Disgraceful Attempt to Cut Veterans’ Benefits

Perhaps the call to support our troops doesn’t apply to the Republican majority on the House Budget Committee or to President Bush. The House committee, supported by the Bush administration, has pushed through a resolution that would cut $844 million from veterans’ medical benefits next year. Over the next 10 years the cuts would total $24.7 billion for medical care, disability payments and other benefits for veterans.

The men and women being ordered into battle now, who have the total support and admiration of all decent Americans -- irrespective of their views on the war -- are being told by Bush and crew: Sorry, but those benefits you expected, well, we’re a little low on funds right now, what with the war and tax cuts for the rich. And, too, there are the hundreds of millions that we have to give Vice President Dick Cheney’s former company, Halliburton, for its participation in postwar reconstruction efforts.

The disgrace is almost beyond words.

Gerald S. Rellick

Santa Ana
