
Candidates for Governor File as Davis Seeks Funds

Being grievously concerned about the direction this state has gone over recent years, and being disgusted by Gov. Gray Davis’ duplicities and mismanagement, I am fascinated by the candidacy of Larry Flynt for governor (Aug. 5).

There would be no skeletons in his closet because he wears them on his sleeves; he is a genuine rags-to-riches story, suggesting enormous fiscal savvy and business acumen at a time when such is desperately needed in Sacramento; and his own personal legal travails and stands suggest that he would be much more discriminating about the quality of judicial appointments and their devotion to fundamental principles of liberty and governmental restraint than we have seen in governors for many a moon.

Since I am not a self-righteous tisk-tisker about others’ sexuality, I could happily support Flynt’s candidacy. And I do.


Michael J. Kennedy

Joshua Tree


I am voting for Flynt to replace Davis. At last, a governor who truly represents California -- and who is equally deserved by its electorate.

James F. Glass



Re “Governor Needs Party Unity,” Aug. 5: Perhaps the needs of the citizens of California should outweigh those of one incompetent politician. I’ve never voted Republican in my life, but I will this time if there’s not an able Democrat on the recall ballot.

In making their decision to stick with Davis or break ranks, I hope Democratic politicians will remember that though party loyalty may be important to them, it’s much less important to their voters, and we will vote for the person who seems most capable of governing well rather than one who has proven he is not.


T.R. Randall



Re “Labor Groups Buoy Davis,” Aug. 5: Does anyone else get the outrageousness of Davis’ flying off to Chicago to raise campaign funds so that he can stay in office to look out for the best interests of Californians?

Are we supposed to believe that $10 million doesn’t buy any influence? Is this the Bengal tiger we want in office? Throw the bum out! He can run but he can’t lead.

Geoffrey Tozer

Los Angeles


So Peter Camejo is again a Green candidate for governor of California under the recall effort (Aug. 4). Logically, this doesn’t make sense. Why don’t Greens realize they’re far closer to Democrats than they would be or could be to Republicans?


A close look at voting records in Congress since November 2000 would prove that the logical position for Greens would be support for Democrat candidates in crucial issues such as (1) the recall of a Democrat governor designed to install a Republican whose party would inevitably continue the environmental onslaught we’ve seen since 2000 and (2) the presidential election in 2004 -- both crucial to environmental protections.

I thought the environment was what the Greens were about. Have they forgotten that?

Rita Sokolow

Los Angeles


Re the recall of Gov. Davis: Since the Republicans have brought out all of their elephants, it’s really great to see all the clowns coming out in force also.

The thing that could thrill us all would be to see all the candidates for governor on television debating their viewpoints. Can hardly wait!

Larry Margo

Valley Village
