
Students’ Disagreement With the Bill of Rights

Re “Kids Say the Darndest, Most Stalinist Things,” Commentary, Feb. 18: I do not always agree with Bill Maher, but I certainly want him and others to have the right to speak their mind. In this case, I fully agree with Maher.

The Bill of Rights and the free speech it promotes must never be allowed to be undermined if we hope to keep our country a free country.

However, if censorship should creep into our media, the first thing that should be eliminated is that loud, mind-numbing cacophony that high school students think is music! Maybe then they would have a little brain left to think about the liberties they are taking so blithely.


Tobyann Mandel

Culver City


Please advise Maher: Although kids may not understand the nuances of the 1st Amendment, they do recognize sedition when they read it.

Jim Lenz

