
Wal-Mart’s Decision to Sell ‘Brokeback’

Regarding “Wal-Mart Sells ‘Brokeback’ Amid Conservative Protest,” April 4:

I was in Wal-Mart the other day perusing the many DVD titles: “Rambo,” “Lethal Weapon,” “Die Hard,” “Star Wars.” Am I to understand that guns, drugs, murder, and violence are nonissues while the love story in “Brokeback Mountain” teaches poor values because the characters are gay?

Let’s start looking at the important issues in society!

Rabbi Zach Shapiro

Beverly Hills


So a 3-million-member Tupelo, Miss.-based conservative Christian group thinks it can bring Wal-Mart down over “Brokeback Mountain.” Its leaders believe members will just stop shopping at Wal-Mart because of one DVD about a homosexual relationship.

Employee unions, city councils and healthcare advocates have had no impact on the mighty Wal-Mart. The reason is simple: People need goods at affordable prices and Wal-Mart provides them. Despite conservative Christian beliefs about homosexuality, the shrinking paycheck is king.


Lloyd A. Fradkin

