
Another Chinese top gun

Music lovers seem to love rivalries, and people are still arguing whether Maria Callas or Renata Tebaldi was the greater Tosca. Today, the argument focuses on Lang Lang versus Yundi Li, two young powerhouse Chinese pianists born the same year, 1982. Whether this argument is good for either of them or for music in general, it will doubtlessly go on for a long time.

Li, winner of the 2000 Warsaw Chopin competition, gives his Los Angeles recital debut tonight in an appearance sponsored by UCLA Live. He will play Mozart’s Sonata No. 10, Schumann’s “Carnaval,” Liszt’s “Rhapsodie Espagnole” and Chopin’s Andante Spianato and Grande Polonaise.

Yundi Li, Royce Hall, UCLA, Westwood. 8 p.m. today. $30 to $50. (310) 825-2101.
