
Bush’s budget comes up short

Re “Defense, Tax Cuts Lead Bush Agenda,” Feb. 7

The supporters of our warmongering president would do well to take a close look at his proposed $2.77-trillion budget. While adding increased funding for the Pentagon and anti-terrorism efforts, this “compassionate conservative” president is virtually ignoring the painful plight of his own countrymen by inexplicably freezing or reducing allowances for health, education, welfare and other important entitlement programs.

I would love to hear whatever argument his devotees can manufacture to support this latest fiasco. While our Christian commander in chief is “defending” us from religious fanaticism by uselessly flushing billions of dollars into Iraq, we the people are left like so much detritus -- sick, stupid, starving and scared.


Palm Desert


Re “Bush Budget Plan Strikes Home, Not Deficit,” Feb. 6

Your article is quick to point out that President Bush’s deficits as a percentage of the gross domestic product are less than those under Reagan and other administrations. This is foolhardy reasoning for irresponsible spending.


What the past doesn’t take into account is that the U.S. government faces its highest entitlement expenditures in the immediate future. That means billions less for retirees and an aging population that will be forced to spend more discretionary income on soaring health costs. What do you think will happen to the economy then? Is this how Bush intends to make America more competitive? Is spending billions to bring a teetering democracy and a thriving Al Qaeda to Iraq worth it?


Los Angeles
