
The direction of Drudge

Re “Hot links served up daily,” Column One, Aug. 4

The story on how the Drudge Report steers Web surfers to breaking news stories is accurate as far as it goes. Drudge can take credit for influencing what some Web surfers read.

What the story omits is how the Drudge Report caters to right-wingers by using misleading headlines skewed toward conservative tastes and selectively pointing readers to news that puts liberals in a bad light, even when those news items are poorly sourced. An opponent of climate change from Podunk College gets higher billing and more sympathetic treatment than a Nobel laureate who supports it.

Talking about how Drudge organizes and packages Web links without noting the intent behind the Drudge Report is like saying that the major importance of talk radio is the increase in radio listeners.


John Vasi

Santa Barbara
