
Benchmarks: Fiftysomethings

Key statistics on American households headed by people ages 50 to 59, based on a 2006 survey of 158,000 households, including 34,200 headed by 50- to 59-year-olds.

One-person households: 25.9%

Median income: $55,000

Income of $100,000 or more: 17.6%

Children younger than 6 in the home: 3.3%

Head of household is a college graduate: 45.2%

Head of household is unemployed: 8.3%

Less than three years at current residence: 22.1%

More than 10 years at current residence: 43.4%

Own a home: 69.1%

Savings of $25,000 or more: 32.7%

Median net worth: $106,075

Have an IRA: 34.4%

Have a 401(k): 47.7%

Own stock (not counting mutual funds): 24.5%

Have student loans: 5.4%

Use brokerage service: 19.3%

Average balance in bank accounts: $43,194

Average total debt (including mortgages): $94,224

Average non-mortgage debt: $24,994

Of households with credit cards, those with more than a $10,000 balance: 17.0%

Of households with credit cards, those with no outstanding balance: 24.1%

Source: Claritas Inc.
