
Rethink nuclear policy

Re “U.S. nuclear focus has dimmed, studies find,” Feb. 13

There is no question that the Air Force must reevaluate its nuclear weapons security measures after last August’s B-52 flight debacle. It is frightening to realize that more than 60 years into the Nuclear Age, those in charge of our nuclear arsenal do not know where all of the weapons are at all times.

The U.S. and Russia still maintain thousands of nuclear weapons on high-alert status, ready to be fired within minutes of an order to do so. This is a recipe for disaster.

Should an accidental launch occur, we likely will not have the luxury of reevaluating our policy. We should instead make the common-sense decision now to take all nuclear weapons off high-alert status. The governments of nuclear-weapon states must take immediate action to eliminate these weapons. U.S. leadership toward this goal, to which we committed 40 years ago under the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, is necessary and urgent.


Rick Wayman

Santa Barbara

The writer is director of programs at the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation.
